================================================================= AbEC -> Ajustable Evolutionary Components A framework for Optimization Problems ================================================================= * * * * * I hope you enjoy! * * * * * * * * * * For more informations please visit: https://abec-ec.github.io * [ALGORITHM SETUP] - Name: PSO - Individuals p/ population: 30 - [OPTIMIZERS]: -- [PSO] ---- % of POP: 100% ---- PHI1: 2.05 ---- PHI2: 2.05 ---- W: 0.729 ---- MIN_VEL: -10 ---- MAX_VEL: 10 - [COMPONENTS]: [FRAMEWORK SETUP] - RUNS: 10 - NEVALS p/ RUN: 600 - SEED: 42 [PROBLEM SETUP] - Name: CUSTOM - NDIM: 2 [RUNNING] RUN | GEN | NEVALS | BEST | ERROR 02 00020 000600 0003:[-1.31, -0.0] 0.0218 03 00020 000600 0025:[-1.37, 0.08] 0.0107 04 00020 000600 0002:[-1.4, -0.12] 0.0164 01 00020 000600 0027:[-1.41, 0.01] 0.0001 05 00020 000600 0019:[-1.42, 0.02] 0.0006 09 00020 000600 0021:[-1.42, 0.0] 0.0000 07 00020 000600 0019:[-1.43, -0.07] 0.0057 08 00020 000600 0020:[-1.45, -0.05] 0.0056 06 00020 000600 0017:[-1.4, 0.11] 0.0134 10 00020 000600 0011:[-1.42, 0.02] 0.0007 [RESULTS] [FILES GENERATED] -[PATH] ../experiments/example1/results/ -[FILE] 0001/PSO_20231013_0642_0001_42_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0001/PSO_20231013_0642_0001_42_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0002/PSO_20231013_0642_0002_43_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0002/PSO_20231013_0642_0002_43_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0003/PSO_20231013_0642_0003_44_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0003/PSO_20231013_0642_0003_44_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0004/PSO_20231013_0642_0004_45_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0004/PSO_20231013_0642_0004_45_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0005/PSO_20231013_0642_0005_46_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0005/PSO_20231013_0642_0005_46_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0006/PSO_20231013_0642_0006_47_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0006/PSO_20231013_0642_0006_47_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0007/PSO_20231013_0642_0007_48_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0007/PSO_20231013_0642_0007_48_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0008/PSO_20231013_0642_0008_49_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0008/PSO_20231013_0642_0008_49_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0009/PSO_20231013_0642_0009_50_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0009/PSO_20231013_0642_0009_50_RUN.csv -[FILE] 0010/PSO_20231013_0642_0010_51_OPTIMA.csv -[FILE] 0010/PSO_20231013_0642_0010_51_RUN.csv -[FILE] ecMean.csv -[FILE] ecMean.png -[FILE] eoMean.csv -[FILE] eoMean.png -[FILE] readme.txt -[FILE] results.csv ============================================== [RUNS:10] [BEST POS (RUN 9) : [-1.42, 0.0]] [BEST FIT (RUN 9): 0.0000] [Ec MEAN: 0.0075(0.0077)] [Eo MEAN: 0.5934(0.1658)] [RUNTIME(s): 9.45 | 0.18(0.04)/run 1] ============================================== [DATE: 10/13/2023 at 06:42] [END] Thx :) AbEC developed by Alexandre Mascarenhas For more informations please go to https://abec-ec.github.io Eh nois