The files generated during the optimization time, as well the plots and the metrics, are going to be in the path defined in the
frameConfig.ini file.
The files will be saved in:
YYYY, MM, DD, mm, ss are the year, month, day, minute and second, respectivetely, of the moment in which the algorithm started to run.
And the files generated are:
- algoConfig.ini: Copy of the algoConfig.ini file used in the runs.
- frameConfig.ini: Copy of the frameConfig.ini file used in the runs.
- problemConfig.ini: Copy of the problemConfig.ini file used in the runs.
- results/results.csv: CSV file containing the summary of the results and the metrics.
- results/readme.txt: A text file with the output of the experiment.
- results/ecMean.csv: CSV file containing the current error data. *(Only if NRUNS > 1)
- results/ecMean.png: Curve of the current error. *(Only if NRUNS > 1)
- results/eoMean.csv CSV file containing the current error data. *(Only if NRUNS > 1)
- results/eoMean.png: Curve of the offline error. *(Only if NRUNS > 1)
- results/XXXX/<NAME-OF-THE-ALGORITHM>_YYYYMMDD_HHmm_XXXX_SEED_RUN.csv>: CSV file containing the performance data of the run XXXX.
- results/XXXX/<NAME-OF-THE-ALGORITHM>_YYYYMMDD_HHmm_XXXX__SEED_LOGALL.csv>: CSV file containing the all data of the run XXXX. *Optional
- results/XXXX/<NAME-OF-THE-ALGORITHM>_YYYYMMDD_HHmm_XXXX__SEED_OPTIMA.csv>: CSV file containing the optima points of the run XXXX. *(Only if BENCHMARK)